The BARE Nex-Gen is a back entry drysuit designed with a bilaminate material featuring a durable Polyurethane exterior. The suit boasts RF welded seams and a standard YKK Aquaseal® dry zipper, making it ideal for use in slightly contaminated waters where chemicals are present. The external material allows any dirt or sludge to be easily washed off with fresh water after diving. The Nex-Gen Drysuit offers exceptional protection and durability, making it a reliable choice for divers operating in chemically contaminated environments. With various customizable options and rigorous certifications, it ensures safety and functionality for professional and recreational use.
: 2XLS / XS / 3XL / ML / MLS / MLT / LS / LT / MT / XLS / XLT / S / M / L / XL / 2XL